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Showing posts from May 8, 2011

Do we have a personal relation ship with Yahweh?

"Do you have a personal relationship with the L-rd?" the evangelist shouts to a packed auditorium. "Do you know Him, I mean really know Him?" Heads nod excitedly in affirmation. Many in the audience reach skyward, and with eyes closed cry an emotional, "I’m saved. Thank you J-sus!" The choir sings, "Saved by the Blood" as dozens whisk down to answer the altar call. Outside, ushers pass out tracts while buzzing, "Are you saved? He loves you." Most are familiar with this scene, either firsthand or from television. But few understand the Biblical truth about "knowing" Him. That which constitutes a "personal relationship" according to the Bible is far removed from such superficiality. And how can we be so sure we are "saved," when even the Apostle Paul admitted he could easily compromise his own salvation through misconduct? (1Cor. 9:27) We need to get past the tired clichés and spoon-fed indoctrinations and...

Yahshua's Pre-Existance

Yahshua as the Old Te stament Rock Our Savior is a spirit Being, Paul wrote in 1Corinthians 10:4. Paul called Him a . “ spiri t ual Rock . ” This at­tribute has far-reaching implications few may realize . Note exactly what he wrote: “And did a l l drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Messiah.” Other Biblical passages also refer to Him as the “Rock , ” such as Psalm 18:2. The reference in 1Corinthians 10:4 , however, is from Exodus 17 where Moses struck the rock in Horeb and wa ­ ter gushed forth. But the Bible also says the rock followed them . Are we to imagine this as a “ Rock” tumbling along behind them? The Jew­ish commentary on the Old Testament is known as the Midrash. It dates back from the time of Ezra. The Midrash ex ­ plains that this rock itself followed the Israelites in their wande r ings. It says the rock was round and rolled li...