"Do you have a personal relationship with the L-rd?" the evangelist shouts to a packed auditorium. "Do you know Him, I mean really know Him?" Heads nod excitedly in affirmation. Many in the audience reach skyward, and with eyes closed cry an emotional, "I’m saved. Thank you J-sus!" The choir sings, "Saved by the Blood" as dozens whisk down to answer the altar call. Outside, ushers pass out tracts while buzzing, "Are you saved? He loves you." Most are familiar with this scene, either firsthand or from television. But few understand the Biblical truth about "knowing" Him. That which constitutes a "personal relationship" according to the Bible is far removed from such superficiality. And how can we be so sure we are "saved," when even the Apostle Paul admitted he could easily compromise his own salvation through misconduct? (1Cor. 9:27) We need to get past the tired clichés and spoon-fed indoctrinations and...