The typical theologian’s dodge to a difficult question is, “That certainly is a mystery!” This is a buffered reply intended to protect one from further embarrassing questions. This response is simpler than a clumsy attempt to justify a doctrine not based upon Bible teachings. We find this answer in response to a query to explain the concept of the trinity out of Scripture, for instance. The Apostle Paul, however, was given deeper understanding of spiritual truth and from time to time re vealed this wisdom through what he called “mysteries.” Biblical mysteries are part of a grand program that Yahweh is working out with those He has chosen, but remain hidden to the majority. In general, churchianity does not fully comprehend Yahweh's plan. According to Paul, Yahweh has a special program destined for Israel, which He promised to Abram when He called him out of U r of the Chaldees. The Bible contains Yahweh...