“So you keep the Passover?” the man asked. “I thought that was just a Jewish holiday.” Then I asked him, “Do you happen to practice communion?” “Yes, every Sunday,” he responded. “Then you keep a trace of the Passover,” I told him. “The problem is that what you and many others observe has become disconnected from the original truth and meaning of the death memorial of Yahshua.” The Passover as the original event of His death is an annual observance, not a weekly, semimonthly or monthly event. It commemorates the slaying of the Passover lamb on the 14th of Abib, which looked forward to the ultimate sacrifice of Yahshua the Messiah. He fulfilled what the lamb only foreshadowed. He provided the greater sacrifice that not just covered the sin, but also removed its penalty for those who trust in Him. He as our example kept the Passover annually, as did His earthly parents and His ancestors before that. The Passover is a New Testament observance every bit as im...
This blog is about restoring the true names of the Father and Son, also discussing many various current events and biblical subjects.