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Showing posts from February 13, 2011


     With  t he Christmas extrava­ganza now a distant memory, churches are busily gearing up for their next big obser­vance—the celebration of the Savior’s death and resurrection. As with Christmas, Easter is an­other major celebration featuring an odd blend of religious, mythical, and profane themes :  chalices and chocolate, crosses and croissants; bonnets and bunnies, hymns and hams; Son worship and sun worship. The unstudied may think it pe­culiar that Yahweh would require His people today to eat unleavened bread for a week following the Pass­over. Yet they find nothing weird about observing the Savior’s resur­rection by searching church lawns for painted eggs  . .. allegedly laid by rabbits! It is time to conduct our own search­ for the scriptural Easter to see whether there even is one. One Verse in a Version A peculiar fact jumps out immedi­ately. In a careful examination of the entire Bible we discover that the word “Easter” exists in only ...