With t he Christmas extravaganza now a distant memory, churches are busily gearing up for their next big observance—the celebration of the Savior’s death and resurrection. As with Christmas, Easter is another major celebration featuring an odd blend of religious, mythical, and profane themes : chalices and chocolate, crosses and croissants; bonnets and bunnies, hymns and hams; Son worship and sun worship. The unstudied may think it peculiar that Yahweh would require His people today to eat unleavened bread for a week following the Passover. Yet they find nothing weird about observing the Savior’s resurrection by searching church lawns for painted eggs . .. allegedly laid by rabbits! It is time to conduct our own search for the scriptural Easter to see whether there even is one. One Verse in a Version A peculiar fact jumps out immediately. In a careful examination of the entire Bible we discover that the word “Easter” exists in only ...
This blog is about restoring the true names of the Father and Son, also discussing many various current events and biblical subjects.